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Condoms are used as one form of contraception to prevent pregnancy. But in certain circumstances, use of condoms can be torn. What to do if the condom tear during use?
A torn condom is not something to be taken lightly, because there is a pretty dire consequences and this is not a rare occurrence. A 2001 study published in Sexually Transmitted Diseases, found that approximately 3.1 percent used condoms during intercourse cracked.
Penelitin This reinforces the results of studies conducted by researchers from the University of Sydney, Australia which reveals the percentage of condom breakage among the common people by 7 percent, while for sex workers by 6 percent.
Some things are known to be a cause tearing of the condom, as quoted from Lifemojo, Saturday (01/14/2012), namely:
1. Not used in accordance with the instructions given
2. Condoms are not stored in the right place or whether, for example, exposed to light or heat
3. If you will use a lubricant then use water-based, because if you use a condom lubricant oil can attenuate thus increasing the possibility of damage
4. Condoms are used repeatedly
If condoms are used torn, you should do the following things:
1. Knowing exactly when the condom broke or torn
If it occurs before ejaculation, it is quite safe under control. Usually cause the condom ripped because he already expired or stored in the wrong place so that makes it quick rip. But if the tear in the ejaculate, then you should discuss with your partner but first make sure the condom is disposed of safely.
2. Try to discuss sexually transmitted diseases
Condoms are the best way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases like HIV / AIDS, syphilis, or chlamidia. For that try to discuss it honestly with your partner.
3. Immediately shower
Try to wash the genital area with warm water and soap are not irritating, but for women should not use a douche. This may not protect anything.
4. Visiting the doctor the next day
Try to explain to the doctor about what happened, and what are the things that might happen. To find out if there is no fertilization happens, it usually takes time. But for some test results could be known within a short time.
5. Try to keep watch over the next few weeks
If exposed to a sexually transmitted infection symptoms will usually appear as a rash in the genital area, discharge from the penis or vagina, there is pain, sometimes accompanied by flu-like symptoms.
6. Emergency pills the next day
If the condom tears during ejaculation, then there is likely to get pregnant. One way to do this is by taking emergency contraceptive pills the next day.
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